Support Peter's Vision for the Valley

Bringing a Fresh Start to the Blue Ridge



Roanoke is a city in transition. The major industries that drove the valley’s economy for over 100 years are being replaced, and that brings new challenges in housing, infrastructure, and quality of life. We need the right leadership to navigate the city through this time of transformation successfully.

“You deserve to live in a city with opportunity and ample resources to allow you and your family to succeed.”

We need to stay connected through our growth and progress. Whether you want to open a new business or expand an existing one, ensure your kids are getting a quality education, or gain easier access to essential services, we share the same goal: a Roanoke of sustained opportunity that serves the needs of all its residents.

"I'm running to bring a new vision to the valley."

The son of a public school teacher and a local restaurant owner, Peter Volosin was born and raised in Roanoke City. A graduate of Patrick Henry, Roanoke Valley Governor’s School, Brown University, and Georgetown University masters, Peter has worked as an urban planner, a first-responder, and is currently a Realtor with Lichtenstein Rowan Realtors. As a City Council member, he'll find practical, long-term solutions to solve the challenges that Roanoke’s citizens face.

Support Peter Today

Peter will make your voice heard loud and clear in City Council.

“The purpose of government is to do for its citizens that which they cannot do for themselves.”

We all want to build the best life possible as independently as possible, but it’s hard to do so without the right tools. Peter is committed to creating opportunities and giving Roanokers the tools they need to succeed. Together, we can build a Roanoke with a quality of life that’s second to none.

Job Mobility

The pandemic changed everything when it comes to how and where we work. Job mobility is higher than ever and new industries are being developed at a rapid pace. With this in mind, it is important to make sure that people of any age can get training, make career moves, and can take advantage of new opportunities. This means continuing to make community college courses more affordable and readily available working parents...

Educating our Future

The most basic thing we can do to have citizens ready for the workforce is to provide the opportunity for each student to receive a world-class quality education. We need a school system that teaches students K-12 to problem solve, be creative, and experience the languages of technology, like coding. The city should encourage public/private/nonprofit partnerships to increase the availability of affordable Pre-K and afterschool programs for working families....

Reliable Roads and Transit

True community is created when we all feel connected. Our roads, sidewalks, and transit are what connect us all. Whether we’re using them to get to school or work, grow our business, or enjoy some recreation time, we need to understand our transportation needs in order to make our infrastructure accessible and reliable. As an urban planner, Peter has experience developing mobility networks that connect neighborhoods and cities to the world...

Bustling Villages

To create more opportunities for our local businesses, the city should develop more walk-able village centers that act as small business hubs throughout our neighborhoods. To counter the negative effects of urban renewal, the city should look at ways to support and encourage the creation of more minority-owned businesses. Our local small businesses can also benefit from a revised business tax code...

Greener Government

Peter believes that the financial sustainability of the city depends on us making investments in climate change resilience. By moving the city to electric and hybrid vehicle fleets, we reduce greenhouse gasses, the amount of money the city spends at the gas pump, and protects us from volatility in the oil industry. Installing solar panels on city buildings reduces our electric bill...

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